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Image by Sun Lingyan


Image by Griselda Servin

Whether you are a single person taking a solo vacation, a family looking for an unforgettable bonding experience, or a large corporate group travelling for a workplace retreat, The Aussie Handbook exists to simplify the complexities of planning a trip to Australia.

Image by Austin Neill

​Rather than you having to analyze, research, and plan each segment of your trip, from airline schedules, hotel reservations, entertainment, and transportation, surfing lessons to snorkelling sessions, mountain hikes or trails, events to nightlife, beaches and bars, museums and gardens, memorials, or cultured Australian art, TAH Travel services and partners will have you entertained and covered on all aspects surrounding your trip so you can experience Australia the true Aussie way!

Image by Jonathan Talbert

​Our Review & Development team has visited a number of hospitality locations throughout Australia in search of establishing agreements with the top travel institutions within Australia and, above all, to experience a firsthand view of what you (the traveller) will be presented with on your journey abroad.

Image by Alex Jones

Our agents will recommend areas you would want to travel to, find the most attractive deals possible, track the best accommodations, tours, and restaurants within your price point or budget, and provide all necessary travel information needed to have a stress-free journey.

Image by Annie Spratt

​We work on simple principles when reviewing or recommending establishments. We pride ourselves on being honest, professional, and highly resourceful in connecting the dots and mapping out exciting travel itineraries.

Image by Kenny Eliason

​We only endorse and recommend places that have a high standard of hospitality management and value for money.


TAH Travel Service agents serve as your point of contact throughout your trip. If a reservation is lost, the car rental company gives poor service, or you have missed your flight, our travel service agent handles all of the issues and reschedules where necessary.

For more information on how to register, kindly complete the contact form, and we will get in touch with you!

“Creativity is intelligence having fun!”

Image by Hannes Richter

Albert Einstein

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